



2017-05-12 17:14:00


  Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with five million inhabitants in 2012 and an important Russian port on the Baltic Sea. It is politically incorporated as a federal subject (a federal city). Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on May 27 1703. In 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd in 1924 to Leningrad and in 1991 back to Saint Petersburg. Between 1713 and 1728 and in 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow.

  Saint Petersburg is one of the modern cities of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to The Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world.Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks, and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.

  圣彼得堡是俄罗斯第二大城市,仅次于莫斯科, 拥有五百万常住居民,是俄罗斯在波罗的海的一个重要港口。它现在是一个俄罗斯联邦直辖市。位于涅瓦河沿岸,在波罗的海的芬兰湾, 这座城市是由沙皇彼得大帝于1703年5月27日创建。1914年, 圣彼得堡改名为彼得格勒,1924年再次更名为列宁格勒,1991年列宁格勒改回圣彼得堡。1713-1728年和1732 - 1918年, 圣彼得堡是俄罗斯帝国首都。1918年,中央政府机构搬迁到莫斯科。

  圣彼得堡是俄罗斯的现代化都市之一, 也是俄罗斯的文化之都。圣彼得堡的历史中心和相关组纪念群构成联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产。圣彼得堡有世界最大的艺术博物馆之一,冬宫博物馆。许多外国领事馆、跨国公司、银行和企业都在圣彼得堡设有办事处。


  Swedish colonists built Nyenskans, a fortress, at the mouth of the Neva River in 1611。

  Peter the Great was interested in seafaring and maritime affairs, and he intended to have Russia gain a seaport in order to be able to trade with other maritime nations.

  On May 1703, during the Great Northern War, Peter the Great captured Nyenskans, and soon replaced the fortress. On May 27,1703,on Zayachy (Hare) Island, he laid down the Peter and Paul Fortress, which became the first brick and stone building of the new city.

  In 1725, Peter died at the age of fifty-two. His endeavours to modernize Russia had met with opposition from the Russian nobility—resulting in several attempts on his life and a treason case involving his son. In 1728, Peter II of Russia moved his seat back to Moscow. But four years later, in 1732, under Empress Anna of Russia, Saint Petersburg was again designated as the capital of the Russian Empire. It remained the seat of the Romanov dynasty and the Imperial Court of the Russian Tsars, as well as the seat of the Russian government, for another 186 years until the communist revolution of 1917.

  In 1810, Alexander I established the first engineering Higher learning institution, the Saint Petersburg Main military engineering School in Saint Petersburg. Many monuments commemorate the Russian victory over Napoleonic France in the Patriotic War of 1812, including the Alexander Column by Montferrand, erected in 1834, and the Narva Triumphal Gate.

  With the emancipation of the serfs undertaken by Alexander II in 1861 and an Industrial Revolution, the influx of former peasants into the capital increased greatly. Poor boroughs spontaneously emerged on the outskirts of the city. Saint Petersburg surpassed Moscow in population and industrial growth; it developed as one of the largest industrial cities in Europe, with a major naval base (in Kronstadt), river and sea port.







  Bronze Horseman

  The Bronze Horseman is an equestrian statue of Peter the Great in the Senate Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Commissioned by Catherine the Great, it was created by the French sculptor Étienne Maurice Falconet. The name comes from an 1833 poem of the same name by Aleksander Pushkin, which is widely considered one of the most significant works of Russian literature. The statue is now one of the symbols of Saint Petersburg.

  The statue's pedestal is the enormous Thunder Stone, the largest stone ever moved by humans.The stone originally weighed about 1500 tonnes, and was carved down to 1250 during transportation to its current site.

  Palace Square

  Palace Square, connecting Nevsky Prospekt with Palace Bridge leading to Vasilievsky Island, is the central city square of St Petersburg and of the former Russian Empire. Many significant events took place there, including the Bloody Sunday massacre and parts of the October Revolution of 1917.

  The earliest and most celebrated building on the square, the baroque white-and-azure Winter Palace of the Russian tsars, gives the square its name. Although the adjacent buildings are designed in the Neoclassical style, they perfectly match the palace in their scale, rhythm, and monumentality.The opposite, southern side of the square was designed in the shape of an arc by George von Velten in the late 18th century. These plans came to fruition half a century later, when Alexander I of Russia envisaged the square as a vast monument to the 1812-1814 Russian victories over Napoleon and commissioned Carlo Rossi to design the bow-shaped Empire-style Building of the General Staff (1819–29), which centers on a double triumphal arch crowned with a Roman quadriga.

  In the centre of the square stands the Alexander Column (1830–34), designed by Auguste de Montferrand. This red granite column (the tallest of its kind in the world) is 47.5 metres high and weighs some 500 tons. It is set so well that it requires no attachment to the base.

  The eastern side of the square comprises Alessandro Brullo's building of the Guards Corps Headquarters (1837–43). The western side, however, opens towards Admiralty Square, thus making the Palace Square a vital part of the grand suite of St Petersburg squares.


  The Peterhof Palace is a series of palaces and gardens located in Petergof, Saint Petersburg, Russia, laid out on the orders of Peter the Great. These palaces and gardens are sometimes referred as the "Russian Versailles". The palace-ensemble along with the city center is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  Mariinsky Theatre

  The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Opened in 1860, it became the preeminent music theatre of late 19th century Russia, where many of the stage masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres. Through most of the Soviet era, it was known as the Kirov Theatre. Today, the Mariinsky Theatre is home to the Mariinsky Ballet, Mariinsky Opera and Mariinsky Orchestra. Since Yuri Temirkanov's retirement in 1988, the conductor Valery Gergiev has served as the theatre's general director.



  青铜骑士是一个彼得大帝骑士雕像,位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的国会广场。在凯瑟琳大帝主持下,法国雕塑家Étienne Maurice Falconet创造了一座雕像。这个雕像的名字来自亚历山大普希金创作的,一首脍炙人口的同名诗歌。现在,这座雕像成为了圣彼得堡市的象征。


  广场上最早也是最宏伟的建筑,沙皇的巴洛克式冬宫,赋予了这座广场的名字。虽然附属建筑是新古典主义风格,但是他们都配合得很完美,不论是规模,节奏和纪念性。冬宫的对面,也就是广场的南部是George von Velten18世纪设计的拱门。这些计划由半个世纪后的亚历山大一世完成,作为1812-1814年取得拿破仑战争胜利的纪念。亚历山大指派Carlo Rossi设计了弓形帝国风格的总参谋部,坐落在双重凯旋门的中间。

  在广场中央矗立的是 Auguste de Montferrand设计的亚历山大记功柱。这个红色花岗岩立柱高达47.5米,重达500吨。整个立柱很完美,不需要附属基座。

  广场的东部是Alessandro Brullo设计的近卫军团总部。西边是海军广场,因此奠定了冬宫广场成为圣彼得堡最重要广场的地位。






  Saint Petersburg is home to more than two hundred museums, many of them hosted in historic buildings. The largest of the museums is the Hermitage Museum, featuring interiors of the former imperial residence and a vast collection of art. The Russian Museum is a large museum devoted specifically to Russian fine art. The apartments of some famous Petersburgers, including Alexander Pushkin, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Alexander Blok, Vladimir Nabokov, Anna Akhmatova, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Joseph Brodsky, as well as some palace and park ensembles of the southern suburbs and notable architectural monuments such as St. Isaac's Cathedral, have also been turned into public museums.




  There were 1024 kindergartens, 716 public schools and 80 vocational schools in Saint Petersburg. The largest of the public higher education institutions is Saint Petersburg State University, enrolling approximately 32,000 undergraduate students; and the largest non-governmental higher education institutions is the Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics, and Law. Other famous universities are Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University ,Herzen University, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance and Saint Petersburg Military engineering-technical university.




  Saint Petersburg is a major transport hub. The first Russian railway was built here in 1837, and since then the city's transport infrastructure has continued to develop and keep pace with the growth of the city. Petersburg has an extensive system of local roads and railway services, maintains a large public transport system that includes the Saint Petersburg tram and the Saint Petersburg Metro, and is home to a number of riverine services that convey passengers around the city efficiently and in relative comfort.

  The city is connected to the rest of Russia and the wider world by a number of federal highways and national and international rail routes. Pulkovo Airport serves the majority of air passengers departing from or arriving to the city.









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