

2019年加州艺术学院申请材料介绍(Herb Alpert学院)


2018-03-20 21:42:00


  美国加州艺术学院的Herb Alpert学院提供了像黄琴等诸多乐器的课程,那么申请这些课程有哪些要求呢?跟着出国留学网来一探究竟吧,欢迎阅读。




  一、作品集提交准则Portfolio Guidelines

  The Herb Alpert School of Music at CalArts works towards developing the entire artist and focuses on individual pathways. The faculty is interested in seeing and hearing material that offers a sense of who you are as an artist. We want to know what you are thinking about, what kind of work you are currently working on, and what you would like to create while at CalArts. Students are welcome to apply with advanced musical backgrounds as well as with unique creative backgrounds from other artistic disciplines. For example, if your work has gravitated toward sound in recent years but you have a background in another discipline (art, architecture, film/video, etc.) we still encourage you to submit your work. Students are able to develop high-level skillsets appropriate to support their professional goals, from creating advanced works for ensembles to designing sound art installations. This specialization looks for students from the broadest ranges of the sound and composition spectra.

  Example areas of interests may include: contemporary composition and performance practices for all instruments and media, installation work, electronic and computer music, digital multi-media, sound art, field recording, experimental pop, improvisation systems, performance art, experimental performance, new methods for notation, interdisciplinary collaboration and more. CalArts takes a global approach to stylistic and cultural backgrounds and diverse sources of inspiration.

  加州艺术学院的Herbert Alpert音乐学院致力于发展艺术家的整体性,并专注于个人途径。教师有兴趣看到和听到关于你是谁作为艺术家的感觉的材料。我们想知道您在想什么,您目前正在从事哪些工作以及您想在加州艺术学院创建什么。欢迎申请高级音乐背景以及来自其他艺术学科的独特创意背景的学生申请该课程。例如,如果您近年来的工作偏向于声音,但您拥有另一个学科(艺术,建筑,电影/视频等)的背景,我们仍鼓励您提交作品。学生能够开发适合其专业目标的高级技能组合,从创作先进的合奏作品到设计声音艺术装置。这种专业化将从最广泛的声音和成分光谱范围中寻找学生。


  二、作品集材料要求Portfolio Materials

  You must submit a digital portfolio via SlideRoom. Submit a portfolio that best represents your work and interests. Suitable portfolio materials include audio recordings, videos, scores, writings, photographs, documentation of performances, installations or collaborative projects, and any related materials that further illuminate your work. Instrumental and vocal scores should be accompanied recordings. While recordings of live performances are preferred, electronic renditions are acceptable. For works not represented by scores, include detailed descriptions of the production processes and creative contexts for the documentation you submit. Three to five recent original works must be submitted that show your awareness of 20th-21st century practices in composition and/or sound. Do not send class assignments. We want to see your original work. Show us who you are!


  三、艺术家的论述Artist Statement

  You must include a detailed Artist Statement with both the application and online portfolio that outlines your goals and your background. We also want you to emphasize the work you are doing currently and the work you imagine doing at CalArts.

  In your Artist Statement, be sure to include the following:

  Describe briefly your main interests right now.

  Describe other creative interests you are involved in.

  Describe the materials submitted in your digital portfolio and how they demonstrate your creative interests and if not immediately obvious, how they were created.









  The faculty are interested in seeing and hearing application materials that offer a sense of who you are as an artist. You are required to submit an online portfolio that showcases your work as a creative artist at this point in your life. Live auditions/interviews are encouraged and audition/interview days are scheduled on campus and in several other cities. The audition or recording must clearly demonstrate your level of performance and range of repertoire.

  In a live audition, expect to demonstrate your abilities in sight singing/sight reading and the identification by ear of various intervals, chords, scales and rhythmic patterns. When a live audition is not possible, you should submit evidence of ability in these musicianship skills. This evidence may take the form of letters from major teachers and/or transcripts of prior musical courses or private training.




  You are required to submit an online portfolio that reflect your musical interest and your best abilities as a guitarist and musician. Live auditions/interviews are encouraged and audition/interview days are scheduled on campus and in several other cities. There is no requirement for particular style or period. Audition pieces can be, but are not limited to, classical, jazz, rock, blues, world, flamenco or an original synthesis of styles. If your music encompasses a range of styles, we would like to hear representative examples, including your own compositions, if you have them. If you play primarily in groups, we would like to hear a group recording. In groups, clearly identify which part you are playing. Recorded auditions are assessed for the quality of the playing, not for the quality of the recording.

  In a live audition, expect to demonstrate your abilities in music theory, sight singing/sight reading and the ability to perform and identify by ear various intervals, chords, scales and rhythmic patterns. When a live audition is not possible, you should submit evidence of ability in these musicianship skills. This evidence may take the form of letters from major teachers and/or transcripts of prior musical courses or private training. Please give us a history of how long you have been playing, what kind of music, and lessons and/or other studies you may have had so we can evaluate how you have progressed over time.吉他




  The faculty are interested in seeing and hearing recordings of your performance of three works in contrasting styles/instrumentation, including at least one ensemble piece if possible. Faculty are also interested in hearing original works. You are required to submit an online portfolio that showcases your work. Live auditions/interviews are encouraged and audition/interview days are scheduled on campus and in several other cities. Your portfolio must clearly demonstrate your level of performance and range of repertoire. In a live audition, expect to demonstrate your abilities in sight singing/sight reading and the identification by ear of various intervals, chords, scales and rhythmic patterns. When a live audition is not possible, you should submit evidence of ability in these musicianship skills. This evidence may take the form of letters from major teachers and/or transcripts of prior musical courses or private training.



  The faculty are interested in seeing and hearing application materials that offer a sense of who you are as an artist. You are required to submit an online portfolio that showcases your work as a creative artist at this point in your life. Live auditions/interviews are encouraged and audition/interview days are scheduled on campus and in several other cities.You may also utilize the Disklavier Education Network (DEN) to audition at 27 locations throughout the U.S. Please make sure you also apply using the CalArts online application if you use DEN to audition.

  What is DEN? The Disklavier Education Network (DEN) offers pianists the opportunity to record their college admission auditions on a Disklavier reproducing piano, complete with synchronized video. These performances are subsequently shared with audition committees through the cloud. When these recordings are played back on CalArts’ Disklavier piano, the piano will actually reproduce the original performance as though the student was playing live. (Please note: DEN charges a $150 fee for auditions). Learn more here.Your audition or recordings should include your performance of three works in contrasting styles chosen from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Twentieth/Twenty-first Centuries. The audition or recording must clearly demonstrate your level of performance and range of repertoire. Memorization of the pieces to be performed is preferred. In a live audition, expect to demonstrate your abilities in sight-reading and the identification of chords, scales and rhythmic patterns. When a live audition is not possible, you should submit evidence of ability in these musicianship skills. This evidence may take the form of letters from major teachers and/or transcripts of prior musical courses or private training.

  教师有兴趣看到和听到申请材料,这些材料可以让你了解你是一个艺术家。您需要提交一份在线作品集,在您生活的这个时候展示您作为创意艺术家的作品。鼓励现场试听/面试,并在校园和其他几个城市安排试听/面试日。您也可以利用Disklavier Education Network(DEN)在全美27个地点进行试听。如果您使用DEN进行试听,请确保您也使用CalArts在线申请。


  5.电子琴协奏Keyboard Collaborative Arts

  You are required to submit an online portfolio that showcases your work as a creative artist at this point in your life. Live auditions/interviews are encouraged and audition/interview days are scheduled on campus and in several other cities.Please present one major instrumental sonata (for example: a Beethoven sonata for piano and violin), three art songs in different languages (for example: songs by Schubert, Debussy and Barber) and one solo piano work. Memorization of the solo repertoire is strongly recommended. The audition will also include a sight-reading component. The auditionee is encouraged to bring their own collaborators (singers and instrumentalists) but in cases where this is not possible musicians will be provided by CalArts.


  6.艺术家的论述Artist Statement

  You must include a detailed Artist Statement that outlines your goals as a music artist, your background in studying music, particular interests in studying music at CalArts, and area of Specialization. In your Artist Statement, be sure to also include the following:

  Describe briefly your main interests in music right now.

  Describe other musical interests you are involved in.

  Describe the materials you will submit in your digital portfolio and how they demonstrate your musical interests.

  Describe what you would like to learn at CalArts.

  List any combinations of Specializations that you might like to create for yourself while at CalArts.













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