Welcome to Case Western Reserve University. We are:one of the country's nine trendiest colleges;among 15 where "geek is chic"; andranked 7th nationally for contributing to the common good.Most of all, we are a community committed to increasing knowledge and deepening understanding. Faculty and student, staff and alumni — we all come together here with a shared sense of mission: to improve the lives of others through research, education, and creative endeavors.I have had the privilege to lead this institution since 2007. In that time we have witnessed extraordinary progress. Our undergraduate applications have doubled. Our fundraising has climbed by more than 85 percent. And our faculty have advanced interdisciplinary efforts in areas as diverse as advanced materials and ethics, creative arts and energy innovation.Whatever your primary reason for visiting our website today, I hope you will take a few moments to explore our online home. From groundbreaking discoveries to athletic excellence, from innovative teaching to ingenious learning opportunities, Case Western Reserve is a place where we "think beyond the possible" every single day.Mission:Case Western Reserve University improves and enriches people's lives through research that capitalizes on the power of collaboration, and education that dramatically engages our students.We realize this goal through:Scholarship and creative endeavor that draws on all forms of inquiry.Learning that is active, creative and continuous.Promotion of an inclusive culture of global citizenship.We aim to be recognized internationally as an institution that imagines and influences the future. Toward that end we will:Support advancement of thriving disciplines as well as new areas of interdisciplinary excellence.Provide students with the knowledge, skills and experiences necessary to become leaders in a world characterized by rapid change and increasing interdependence.Nurture a community of exceptional scholars who are cooperative and collegial, functioning in an atmosphere distinguished by support, mentoring and inclusion.Pursue distinctive opportunities to build on our special features, including our relationships with world-class health care, cultural, educational, and scientific institutions in University Circle and across greater Cleveland.Academic Excellence and Impact.Eminence in teaching and research.Scholarship that changes lives and deepens understanding.Creativity and innovation as hallmarks of our efforts.Inclusiveness and Diversity.Civility and the free exchange of ideas.Civic and international engagement.Appreciation for the distinct perspectives and talents of each individual.Integrity and Transparency.Academic freedom and responsibility。Ethical behavior.Shared governance.Effective Stewardship.Strong, ongoing financial planning.Emphasis on sustainability.Systems that support attainment of our mission
欢迎来到凯斯西储大学。我们是:全国九大时尚大学之一 ;是15个极致大学成员之一; 和在全国排名第七为共同利益做出贡献。最重要的是我们是一个致力于增加知识和加深认识的社区。教师和学生,工作人员和校友-我们都在这里聚集在一起,共同的使命感:通过研究,教育和创造性努力来改善他人的生活。自2007年以来我荣幸领导这个机构。当时我们看到了非凡的进步。我们的本科申请翻了一番。我们的筹款量已经攀升的发现到卓越运动,从创新教学到巧妙的学习机会,凯斯西储是我们每一天超了85%以上。我们的教师在先进材料和道德,创意艺术和能源创新等领域具有先进的跨学科研究。无论您今天访问我们网站的主要原因,我希望您能花一点时间探索我们的在线家庭。从开创性越可能的地方。任务:凯斯西储大学通过研究,利用合作的力量和极大地吸引学生的教育,改善和丰富了人们的生活。我们实现了这个目标:以各种形式的调查为基础的学术和创造性的努力。学习它是积极的、有创造性的和连续的。促进全球公民的包容性文化。愿景:我们的目标是在国际上被认可为一个能够想象和影响未来的机构。为了实现这个目标,我们将会:支持繁荣学科的发展,以及跨学科的新领域。为学生提供必要的知识、技能和经验,使他们成为一个以快速变化和相互依赖为特征的世界的领导者。培养一群杰出的学者,他们共同在一个以支持、指导和包容为特色的氛围中工作。以我们的特色为基础追求独特的机会,包括我们与世界级的医疗保健、文化、教育和科学机构在大学圈和更大的克里夫兰的关系。核心价值观、学术和影响,卓越教学与研究,改变生活,加深理解的学问,创新和创新是我们努力的标志,包容性和多样性,文明和思想自由交流、公民和国际合作。欣赏每个人独特的视角和才能,诚信和透明度,学术自由和责任、道德行为、共同治理、有效的管理、强劲、持续的财务规划、强调可持续性、支持我们使命的系统。
Western Reserve's Founding.Western Reserve College was founded in 1826 in Hudson, Ohio, about 30 miles southeast of Cleveland. The college—the first in northern Ohio—took its name from the surrounding region (known at that time as the Western Reserve of Connecticut) and emphasized standards, such as the classics, in its curriculum. Yet it stood out in the mid- and late-19th century as one of only a few institutions that sought innovation and embraced the sciences. By 1887, the college had begun hiring forward-thinking scientists, including Edward E. Morley, best known for his collaboration with fellow professor Albert Michelson on the Michelson-Morley Experiment, which inspired Albert Einstein's work in relativity.As the 20th century neared, the city of Cleveland, Ohio, was on the rise. A post-war economy vaulted Cleveland to the forefront of American cities with unprecedented population and financial growth. And it was hungry for a university. With funding from American industrialist Amasa Stone, the college moved in 1882 to "uptown" Cleveland, where it lives today, and assumed the name Western Reserve University.The Case Story,But the new university wouldn't occupy this stretch of Euclid Avenue alone. In 1877, Leonard Case Jr., a philanthropic citizen of Cleveland and early benefactor of the engineering school, began laying the groundwork for the Case School of Applied Science. He initiated a secret trust to endow a polytechnic school in Cleveland. This school would train men in engineering and applied science, enabling them to build on a young, growing nation's vast resources. Within four months of his death in 1880, the trust was administered and the Case School of Applied Science was born.Classes initially were held in the Case family's downtown Cleveland home until a provision to Stone's gift—that Western Reserve University and the Case School of Applied Science occupy adjoining campuses—led to the school's relocation in 1885 to what is now known as University Circle on the city's east side. Funds for the land, however, had to be raised by the community.A committee for the two institutions raised $119,400 from 56 donors by March 1881. A land purchase discount from Cordelia Ford and Liberty E. Holden, whose 43-acre property formed the early campus, netted $33,000. The Ford family's University Circle-area homesteads were the initial locations of the Women's College of Western Reserve University and the School of Law.The Federation of Case Western Reserve University,The joint land purchase was the first of many collaborations between Western Reserve University and the Case School of Applied Science. Over the years, the university developed strong liberal arts and professional programs, while the institute, which adopted the name Case Institute of Technology, became a top school of science and engineering.The two institutions agreed their 1967 federation would create a complete university worthy of national distinction. Case Western Reserve University immediately became a leading institution for academics and research, as well as one the nation's top-ranked universities.Modern-Day CWRUIn 1992, the restructuring of core program areas into the College of Arts and Sciences and the Case School of Engineering signaled the end of the transition from the two predecessor institutions. Today, the university today thrives on collaboration across academic and administrative divisions and partnerships with dozens of other institutions, including its neighbors in University Circle.
西部储备学院成立于1826年,位于俄亥俄州的哈德森,距离克利夫兰东南约30英里。该学院是俄亥俄州北部的第一所学院,从周边地区(当时被称为康涅狄格州西部保护区),并在其课程中强调了经典等标准。然而,在19世纪中期和晚期,它只是少数寻求创新和接受科学的机构之一。到1887年,该学院已经开始聘请具有前瞻性的科学家,包括爱德华·莫利,他与迈克尔森 - 莫利实验中的教授阿尔伯特·迈克尔森(Albert Michelson)的合作最为人知,这激发了爱因斯坦爱因斯坦相对论的工作。随着二十世纪的到来,俄亥俄州克利夫兰市正在上升。战后的经济使克利夫兰成为美国城市前列,空前的人口和财政增长。一所大学饿了。在美国实业家阿马莎·斯通(Amasa Stone)的资助下,该学院于1882年搬到了今天住在克里夫兰的上城,并以西储大学为名。但新大学不会单独占据这个欧几里德大道。1877年,克利夫兰的慈善公民和工程学院的早期恩人Leonard Case Jr.开始为案例应用科学学院奠定基础。他发起了一个秘密信托,在克利夫兰授予理工学校。这所学校将训练男子工程和应用科学,使他们能够建立在年轻,发展壮大的国家庞大的资源上。1880年去世后的四个月内,信托管理,应用科学案例学院诞生了。课程最初在Case家族的克利夫兰市中心举行,直到提供给Stone的礼物 - 西储大学和Case应用科学学院占领了毗邻的校区 - 导致学校在1885年搬迁到现在被称为大学圈的学校城市东侧。然而,土地的资金必须由社会提高。两个机构的一个委员会于1881年3月从56个捐助者筹集了119,400美元。Cordelia Ford和Liberty E. Holden的土地购买折扣,其43英亩的财产在早期校园组建,净额为33,000美元。福特家族大学圈区的宅基地是西储大学妇女学院和法学院的初始地点。凯斯西储大学联合会,联合采购是西部大学与应用科学学院合作的第一个。多年来,大学发展了强大的文科和专业课程,而通过名为Case Institute of Technology的研究所成为科学和工程学院。这两个机构同意他们的1967年联邦将创建一个值得国家尊重的完整大学。凯斯西储大学立即成为学术研究的领先机构,也是全美顶尖大学之一。现代CWRU,1992年,将艺术与科学学院和案例工程学院的核心计划领域重组表明,两个前身机构的过渡结束。今天,这所大学今天在学术界和行政部门之间的合作蓬勃发展,并与数十个其他机构,包括大学圈邻国的合作伙伴关系蓬勃发展。在1786年9月13日,康涅狄格州为偿还在美国独立战争中欠下的债项,把威斯特摩兰县(Westmoreland County)的一段土地让予联邦政府,康州保留威斯特摩兰县(Westmoreland County)以西,介乎北纬41度和北纬42度2分之间,长约190公里(120英里),约12,000平方公里(300万英亩)的土地(在今日的俄亥俄州伊利湖南岸与杨斯敦(Youngstown)、阿克伦(Akron)、伦敦(London)和威拉德(Willard)之间),用于补偿在美国独立战争期间家园被英国军队放火摧毁的康州部分城镇的居民。早期的殖民者把这片土地称为西部保留地。1799年,房地产大亨大卫·哈德逊(DavidHudson)在西部保留地成立了哈德逊(Hudson)。之后,大卫·哈德逊希望留下最后一笔财富:一所能够带领西部保留地走向文明的新英格兰式大学。1803年,俄亥俄州大会批准。1826年西部保留地学院在哈德逊县正式成立,当时有11名大学生和8名预科生。由于后来克利夫兰市迅速发展,1882年凯斯西储大学部搬到现在的所在地,并更名为西部保留地大学,与慈善家伦纳德·凯斯于1880年成立的凯斯理工学院相邻。在经过多年的交流合作以后,两所学校合并正式于1967年合并,并更名为凯斯西储大学。中国官方翻译为凯斯西储大学。
Along with teaching, research is at the heart of our work at Case Western Reserve University. From medicine to management, music to mathematics, our faculty, staff and students inquire, explore, study and discover. We are driven to expand knowledge, deepen understanding and contribute to the well-being of individuals, organizations and society at large.As a student, faculty or staff member at Case Western Reserve, you can conduct research at an institution with a strong history of innovation, a current commitment to breaking new ground and an exciting future in which we will translate ideas to reality.Case Western Reserve's Technology Transfer Office (TTO) serves our innovators with full-spectrum intellectual property services. For both faculty and students, we provide support for intellectual property and commercialization that spans the research & development continuum. We serve our researchers by assessing and building upon the commercial potential of new ideas and inventions.Through interaction with our inventors, regional and national networks, including our affiliate healthcare systems, and potential commercial partners, we endeavor to determine the best path of translation and ultimate commercialization for University intellectual assets.Consistent with the University's mission, the Technology Transfer Office is working towards enhancing its role in the promotion of an inclusive culture of global citizenship by exploring issues of access to essential medicines by resource-limited countries. This work includes moving towards the Universities Allied for Essential Medicine's Global Access Licensing Framework.
随着教学,研究是我们在凯斯西储大学工作的核心。从医学到管理、音乐到数学,我们的教师、工作人员和学生进行询、探索、学习和发现。我们被推动扩大知识,加深了解和促进个人、组织和整个社会的福祉。作为Case Western Reserve的学生,教职员工或工作人员,您可以在具有强大创新历史的机构进行研究,目前致力于打破新的局面,以及将思想转化为现实的激动人心的未来。凯斯西部储备技术转移办公室为我们的创新者提供全方位的知识产权服务。对于教师和学生来说,我们为知识产权和商业化提供支持,涵盖研发连续体。我们通过评估和建立新想法和发明的商业潜力为我们的研究人员服务。我们通过与我们的发明人、区域和国家网络(包括我们的联盟医疗系统)和潜在的商业伙伴的互动,努力确定大学知识资产的翻译和最终商业化的最佳途径。根据大学的使命,技术转让办公室正在努力通过探索资源有限的国家获得基本药物的问题来加强其在促进全球公民身份的包容性文化方面的作用。这项工作包括进入基础医学全球访问许可框架的联盟大学。
Case Western Reserve University's Core Facilities and Centers offer a number of services, ranging from cell sorting and solar cell testing to polymer compounding and high resolution electron microscopy and are supported by faculty and staff with years of technical and scientific experience. Through these many, diverse resources, CWRU provides access to state-of-the-art equipment and instrumentation, service work, technical expertise, and training all designed to support innovative, cutting edge research. Our cores and centers look forward to collaborating with university, research laboratory and industrial researchers in their scientific and commercial efforts.CWRU Core Facilities and Centers are shared resources organized into laboratory spaces by areas of technology, supporting schools and scientific study. Visitors to this site can use the search tools on the left to look for specific research specialties. Please view the individual facilities' sites for more information or contact CWRUcores@case.edu for help with general questions related to Core Facilities and Centers.
凯斯西储大学位于美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市。克利夫兰市是美国俄亥俄州最大的工业城市,重要的湖港,位于州北部的伊利湖(Lake Erie)南岸,凯霍加河(Cuyahoga)河口。市区伸展在向北缓倾的滨湖阶地上,海拨206米。1月平均气温-3℃,7月平均22℃。年降水量890毫米。市内绿地众多,公园面积约7500公顷,占市面积的1/3以上,有森林城市的美称。凯斯西储大学坐落在克利夫兰市区东部约5里(8公里)的克利夫兰大学城,占地550英亩(约3300亩,1平方公里=1500亩,1英亩=6.07亩或2.2平方公里)。克利夫兰大学城是克里夫兰市的文化、教育和医疗中心,这里集中了约50个文化、艺术、医疗保健、科研、教育、宗教及社区服务的机构设施。例如世界著名的被誉为美国四大交响乐团之一的克里夫兰交响乐团(Cleveland Orchestra)的演奏厅(Severence Hall)就在这里;克利夫兰演艺中心(Playhouse Square Center)是仅次于纽约林肯中心的美国第二大表演艺术中心。还有像在全美医疗系统中排名第四,尤其以心血管外科治疗与研究排名全美第一的克里夫兰医疗基地(Cleveland Clinic Foundation,简称CCF)也在这里。
Ferid Murad(’65) | 以突破性的研究,发现一氧化氮于血管扩张的作用,获得1998年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,科索沃科学和艺术学院荣誉会员。中国科学院外籍院士。被誉为伟哥之父。 |
吴成文 | 全世界第一个发现决定基因表达的重要酵素和转录因子含有内在锌(锌手指)的科学家;当选第十五届中央研究院院士、曾任台北医学大学董事、中央研究院生物医学所所长、国家卫生研究院院长。 |
欧晋德(‘72) | 曾先后担任中华民国交通部台湾区国道新建工程局首任局长、行政院公共工程委员会主任委员、台北市副市长等职。现任台湾高铁公司董事长兼执行长。 |
Herbert Dow(1888) | 陶氏化学创始人 |
Donald Knuth (‘60) | 现代计算机科学的鼻祖,《计算机程序设计艺术》(The Art of Computer Programming)的作者,创造了算法分析的领域,在数个理论计算机科学的分支做出基石一般的贡献,此外还是排版软件TEX和字体设计系统Metafont的发明人 |
陈志宽 Chi-Foon Chan(‘77) | 美国新思科技(Synopsys Inc.)总裁兼首席执行官,百人会(Committee of 100)成员 |
Larry J. Hornbeck(‘74) | 美国国家工程院成员,设计并制造了DMD并集成到MOS的技术,发明基于MEMS的数字光学处理器 |
David Satcher(博士学位‘70) | 美国第16位外科主治医师 |
Paul J. Friedl(’60) | 被誉为个人电脑之父,世界上第一台个人电脑(SCAMP)的发明人和首席架构师 |
Louis Stokes | 前任美国众议员 |
Stephanie Tubbs Jones(‘71) | 俄亥俄州第一位非裔美籍国会成员 |
Dennis Kucinich(‘73) | 克里夫兰最年轻市长,现任美国众议员 |
Paul Bucheit(’98) | 第23位谷歌员工,Gmail创始人 |
Julie Gerberding(文科学士、医学博士) | 第一任美国疾控中心女性主任 |
M. Frank Rudy(‘50) | 发明了Nike气垫 |
Joe and Anthony Russo | 电影/电视导演,作品《Arrested Delopment》、NBC系列节目《Community》 |
Craig Newmark(理科学士‘75,理科硕士‘77) | Craigslist网站的创始人 |
Peter Tippett(博士、医学博士’83) | 诺顿杀毒软件发明人和开发者 |
Don Shula(文科硕士‘53) | 前任橄榄球队迈阿密海豚队教练 |
Greg Gillis aka Girl Talk( 生物医学工程 ‘05) | DJ、混搭艺术家 |
程功臻 | 现任武汉大学化学与分子科学学院副院长 |