



2017-04-19 19:35:00



  Foreign applicants wishing to register with a French University must demonstrate that their level of French is sufficient to enable them to effectively follow the program. If you do not come from a francophone country, you need a certificate proving your successful completion of a French language test (for example TCF, TEF or DELF).

  The required level of French for studies at UPMC is B2. UPMC does not offer Bachelor programs in English.

  If you have obtained or will receive a French baccalauréat:

  Candidates residing in France or abroad that are current or future French baccalauréat holders must connect to the Admission Post-Bac (APB) portal between January 20th and March 20th (dates mandatory).

  If you do not have French nationality and you have or will obtain a foreign degree:

  Students with a foreign diploma of secondary education who wish to apply for the 1st year of a bachelor's program must file a Request for Admission Prerequisite (DAP in French) between November 15th and January 22nd.

  有意在法国大学注册的国外申请人,必须证明自己具有足够的法语水平,以确保有效地学习课程。如果你不是来自说法语国家,你需要证书,证明你成功完成了法语语言考试,比如 TCF, TEF 或DELF。

  在巴黎第六大学学习,需要具备 B2级法语水平。巴黎第六大学提供教学语言为英语的学士课程。

  如果你已经获得或即将获得French baccalauréat:

  居住在法国或海外的已经持有或即将持有French baccalauréat的候选人,必须在1月20日至3月20日期间联系 Post-Bac 招生入口。(上述日期不可变动。)



  1. Preparing your application

  Between the 15th of November and the 22nd of January of the preceeding academic year (beginning of September), you must obtain the application form ‘Demande d’Admission Préalable (DAP).You must then follow the procedure corresponding to your profile:

  If you do not have French nationality and you do not live in France:

  UPMC and Campus France work together, and therefore foreign students residing in one of the 31 countries with a Campus France local office must apply to UPMC using the the Campus France CEF procedure before the 22nd of January.

  If you reside in a country not represented by Campus France, then you must submit a White File (Dossier blanc) to the Department of Cooperation and Cultural Action of the French Embassy in your country of origin before the 22nd of January.

  If you do not have French nationality, but you reside in France AND you have a valid residence permit (carte de séjour)

  The application form, (a green file/"dossier vert") can be obtain from the nearest French public university. You must show your residence permit, valid for at least a year.

  Please note: You do not need a DAP if you originate from a non-European country and if you:

  already have a degree from a French institution

  are already registered in another French university

  are a child of a diplomat working in Paris

  are a holder of a ‘carte de l’OFPRA’

  Please note: If you have French nationality and you have obtained your baccalauréat/diploma abroad, you do not apply via DAP. You must apply through the APB portal.




  巴黎第六大学和 Campus France 合作,因此所住国家为31国任一一国(有 Campus France 当地办公室)的外国学生,必须 通过Campus France CEF 程序申请。必须在1月22日之前申请。

  如果你居住的国家不能以 Campus France来代表,那么你必须将白色文件提交给法国驻华使馆。必须在1月22日之前提交。



  请注意:如果你不能欧盟成员国的学生,并且满足以下条件,那么你不需要 DAP :




  持有carte de l’OFPRA’。

  请注意:如果你是法国公民,并且已经在海外获得文凭,你不需要通过 DAP申请,而必须通过APB portal申请。

  2. Application

  Complete the document, white/green, with your contact details, your choices (three universities maximum) and bring the white file to the Department of Culture at the French Embassy in your country of origin or the green file to the university of your choice.

  The application must be sent before the 22nd of January of the preceding academic year. If you must apply via Campus France, then you need to create an account and make an application via the software Pastel on the Campus France website of your country before the 22nd of January.

  Attention: If you want to submit a dossier Vert (Green file) and you reside far from your first choice university, then you can pass the French language test (TCF) in your home town university. In this case, you must send your application to this university.



  必须在前一学年的1月22日之前发送申请。如果要通过Campus France申请,那么你需要创建账号,在 Campus France 的国内网站的software Pastel 上申请。必须在1月22日之前申请。


  3. Reception of the responses

  You should receive a response from your first-choice university before the 30th of April and if this response is negative, a response from the second-choice university should be sent before the 31st of May. The third-choice university must respond to you before the 30th of June. There is no possibility of appeal if all three universities respond negatively.



  4. Registration

  Send a letter of confirmation before the 31st of July to your host university to prepare your registration and your student visa application.

  Students who wish to enroll in the 2nd year of a bachelor program are advised to also apply for the 1st year of the bachelor at the same time. This is because admission of the university is granted following an examination of each application by a pedagogical commission that judges whether the candidate's prior studies meet the program requirements. If they do not, the candidate may only be able to enter the degree program in the 1styear.





  Please note: UPMC works with Campus France, so foreign students residing in one of the 31 countries with a Campus France local office must apply to UPMC using the Campus France CEF procedure before the 31st of March.

  The schedule for those who must apply via Campus France:

  Create an account and register via the software Pastel before the 31st of March of the preceding the academic year. You can select up to 10 programs at the master level.

  An interview at the Campus France local office by the 30th of May

  Consultation of your application by UPMC via the Etudes en France site

  Notification of the response to students via Campus France, by the latest 30th June, for those starting their courses in September.

  If you reside in France or in a country that is not a member of Campus France; you can directly apply online on the UPMC website without connecting to Campus France. This can be done from mid-April to the end of May for the 2nd and 3rd years of a bachelor's and the 1st year of a Master's (L2, L3 and M1) or from mid-April to mid-July for the 2nd year of a master's (M2).

  In the application form downloaded from our website, you must indicate your choice of bachelor's (Licence) or Master (max 2 options). You will then receive a password and a username with which you can follow the progress of your application. Send your application to the secretaries that are indicated on your application form. Once you are accepted, you will receive a confirmation on the Internet. You must then confirm your agreement.

  Attention: Unlike applicants for the first year of the bachelor (L1), you are not subjected to a language test. A good level of French is nevertheless recommended because the majority of the courses are given in French.

  Administrative Steps:

  To follow the 2nd or 3rd year of a bachelor's (L2/L3) or the Master, you need a student visa. It is strongly recommended that you arrange a meeting with the Centre pour les études en France (CEF) or with the Department of Culture at the Embassy of France in your country at the same time as you apply online for the master, since the procedure to obtain a visa can last several months. If you already have a titre de séjour in France then you must renew it by making an appointment at your local police station.

  Please note, when you submit your application for the 2nd year of a bachelor's (L2), your level of registration will be evaluated by an education committee, who will judge your record and may decide to admit you in the first (L1) instead of the second year (L2) and if you have not submitted the DAP, your registration will not be validated.


  请注意:巴黎第六大学和 Campus France合作,因此,住在31国任一一国( Campus France在当地有办公室)的学生,必须 使用Campus France CEF 程序申请。必须在3月31日之前申请。

  Campus France申请的流程如下:

  a.创建账号,在前一个学年的3月31日之前通过software Pastel 注册。对于硕士课程,做多可以选择10门课;

  b.在5月30日之前,到Campus France 的当地办公室面试;

  c.通过 Etudes en France site咨询巴黎第六大学申请;

  d.最晚在6月30日之前,通过 Campus France将反馈通知学生(针对在9月开学的学生)。

  如果你住在法国,或者所住的国家不属于Campus France的成员国,你可以直接在巴黎第六大学的网站上申请,不需要联系Campus France。对于第二学年和第三学年的学士课程和第一学年硕士课程,线上申请的时间是四月中旬到五月末;对于第二学年硕士课程,线上申请的时间是四月中旬到七月中旬。




  学习第二或第三学年学士课程或硕士课程,你需要有学生签证。强烈建议你在线上申请硕士课程的时候和Centre pour les études en France 预约面谈,或者和法国驻华使馆文化部面谈,因为获得签证可能需要好几个月。如果你已经持有法国居留证,你必须更新居留证。可以到当地警察局预约更新。

  请注意,在你提交学士第二学年或第三学年申请的时候,你的登记等级将由教育委员会评估。教育委员会将对你的成绩进行评估,并且有可能决定让你入学学士第一学而不是第二年。如果还没有提交 DAP,你的登记将不会被验证。


  If you want to apply for the first year of medicine you need to complete a DAP form and select “Etudes de Santé”. If your country is connected to Campus France you need to apply through this organization. The deadline for applications is the 22nd of January.

  If you have any questions, you must contact the Scolarité PAES. You will also obtain useful information for your enrollment.

  Attention: The French regulations do not allow you to directly enroll in Medicine in France. Students having started medical studies abroad and who wish to continue in France are still required to enroll in the 1st year.

  Please also note that classes in medicine are entirely taught in French and that our university cannot accept you without an excellent level of French.


  如果你想申请医学第一学年,你需要完成DAP,选择Etudes de Santé。如果你自己的国家与Campus France 有联系,你需要通过Campus France 申请。申请的截止日期是1月22日。

  如果有任何疑问,务必联系 Scolarité PAES。通过 Scolarité PAES,你也可以获得关于注册的有用信息。









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  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  申请美国的博士研究生相当具有难度,下面出国留学网就给大家整理了关于博士申请的条件以及注意事项以便能够帮助到大家,同时针对博士毕业后的就业也列出了一些就业方向。  一、美国博士申请条件  (一)硬件条件  1、本科学士学位或硕士学位。  2、GPA :一般应该保持在3.2以上是比较理想的,特别是专业GPA成绩。  3、TOEFL或者IELTS:TOEFL至少应该在95分以上,如果能达到100以上是最好。IELTS要保持在7分以上。  4、GRE 或GMAT等美国博士、研究生入学考试:这个是依据学校的要求而不定。  (二)软件条件  1、个人陈述(Personal Statement)  2、
2018-08-11 18:34:00
  美国是教育大国,其各类高校都设置了丰富的奖学金类型,出国留学网小编在今天就给大家带来关于美国大学的基本奖学金类型以及申请要求。  申请美国硕士奖学金有以下几种类型:  1、助学金(FELLOWSHIP)  金额最高、竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,意味着全奖。一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用  2、奖学金(SCHOLARSHIP)  这是一种荣誉性的奖励,颁发给成绩优异的学生,但金额较少。  3、研究助理金(Research Assistantship)  去美国读硕士奖学金有多少?多针
2018-08-11 20:49:00
  心理学是纽约大学的强势专业,其社会心理学专业在社会上有很高的声誉,那么博士申请纽约大学的社会心理学专业有哪些要了解的呢?出国留学网和您一起看看。  先来简单介绍一下纽约大学  纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一的一所位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。  纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美最佳艺术学院之一
2018-08-11 18:29:00
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00

