
If the purpose of a telescope is to bring far-away things closer to us,then why do we send some of them so far away ?The main reason to put a telescope into space is to avoid that perpetual trouble maker:the atmosphere since astronomenrs haven't yet figured out how to get rid of it.And it's a big nuisance.
First off,the atmosphere plane gets in the way,what with its clouds and smoke and haze than can block light from distant stars or nearby planets.And even just the air in a clear sky blocks a huge range of the wavelengths of lights,pretty much only letting through visible light,anda smattering of infra-red and radio waves.
The atmosphere is also -HEY! Stop that!...Distracting At day,visible light from the sun bounces off of air molecules,and other small particles and completely overwhelms the light from any other star you might want to look at.At night,the light from the moon and from human sources bounces off the same paricles and outshines the light from most distant and faint stars and galaxies,washing out their images.
此外大气层还会 -嘿!住手!……造成散射,白天 来自太阳的可见光被空气分子和其他微粒反射这会令来自其他恒星的光完全被淹没无法观测。晚上月光和人造光源同样被这些粒子散射而来自遥远星星、暗星和银河的光,彻底被淹没其中。
The atmosphere also messes things up.Air is constantly moving,and just like a heat mirage,this turbulence blurs and distorts starlight,which causes stars to twinkle,and telescope images of stars to be blurry We can avoid all of these nuisances by putting telescopes above the atmosphere,in space.Plus,there are other benefits;A space telescope can make observations 24 hours a day.
大气也会令事情一片混乱。空气是流动的,就像海市蜃楼 这些星光会因紊变得模糊扭曲,星星因此而闪烁不停 望远镜看到的星图变得模糊不清,将望远镜移至大气之上的太空中可以避免所有上述问题。此外还有其他好处;太空望远镜可以24小时持续观测。
A space telescope can be put far enough away from the earth's infra-red warmth and then cooled down really cold so that it can take clean infra-red images,and a space telescope is a telescope we freaking put in outer sapce!Of course,there are some downsides to space telescopes;It;s hard and expensive to get them there,hard and expensive to fix them if they break or you want to upgrade to newer fancier parts,hard and expensive to take people there on tours,but really,How can you argue,with"this".And this,And this,And this,And even this,And this,And this,This too,And this.