



2017-09-01 14:29:00





  Tokyo university of Technology (Tokyo Institute of Technology), hereinafter referred to as DongGong big (Tokyo Tech), is a school-based area east of Kyoto black area, mainly engineering and natural science research of Japan's top, and the world first-class university of science Technology.University of Tokyo University of technology is the super international program (Top Global University Project) class A Top school, one of the eight University department of labor union and Japan, RU11 academic communion service and important member of the association of research universities and other academic organization in east Asia.The university of Tokyo has three academic departments and six research institutes, and more than 150 schools, such as the institute of resource chemistry and the institute of precision engineering, are also involved in the education research facilities.There are about 5,000 undergraduates, about 5,000 masters and doctoral students, about 10,000 students, and about 1,200 international students from all over the world.About 1, 200 teachers and 600 staff came to the school for education and research.As a research university, the university of Tokyo has a reputation for academic research, research results and education teaching in many aspects, not only in Japan but also in the world.

  东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology),简称东工业大((Tokyo Tech),位于京都目黑区东校本区,是一所主要以工程技术类和日本顶尖的自然科学研究类并行的大学,东京工业大学是世界一流的科技大学。东京工业大学是超级国际计划(全球顶级大学项目)一流的学校之一,是工会和日本八大学部之一,RU11学术交流服务和研究的大学和东亚洲的其他学术组织协会重要成员。东京大学有三个学术部门和六个研究所,150多所公共的教育研究的设施,其中包括资源化学研究所、精密工程研究所,教育科研设施等等。大学内大约有5000名本科生,5000硕士和博士研究生,总结大概为10000名学生,约1200的国际学生来自所有世界各地。大约1, 200名教师和600名工作人员都获得了良好的学术声誉和研究成果。


  Tokyo university of Technology (と う き ょ う こ う ぎ ょ う だ い が く, Tokyo Institute of Technology) is a national university in Tokyo, Japan, the school location in Kyoto okayama eye black area.Founded in 1929, the university is referred to as "donggong da", or "Tokyo Tech".Its predecessor was , a Tokyo staff school founded in 1881。There are three campuses, which are located in the main campus of daokokayshan campus in the great okanshan district of dongkyoki district.The two other campuses are located at the chiura campus in the port area of Tokyo, and the bell-hanging campus in the green district of yokohama.In the post-war reconstruction in the 1950 s, Japan's economic growth in the 1960 s, from an era of rapid economic development to the bubble economy appears in the 1980 s, the school constantly for Japan cultivate excellent engineers, researchers, business people, etc.Since April 2004, the university has become a member of the national university of Japan, according to the new education regulation applicable to all state universities.




  In May 1881, the Tokyo staff school was established.

  In May 1901, the name was renamed Tokyo higher industrial school.

  In April 1929, it was renamed Tokyo university of technology.

  Set up eight disciplines of dyestuff chemistry, textiles, ceramics, applied chemistry, electrical chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and architecture.Set up mathematics, physics, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry 4 classrooms.

  In May 1949, the state school setting law was published, setting up the national Tokyo university of technology.

  In April 1953, the institute of technology of the college of science and technology was set up to set up seven majors in applied physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, metal engineering, textile engineering and architecture.

  In July 1955, the company renamed department of science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, project engineering, construction, construction engineering and management technology of 10 disciplines.

  In April 1960, the department of science and technology set up the mathematical sciences, physical discipline, discipline, fiber engineering discipline, chemical engineering discipline, chemical engineering, industrial disciplines, mechanical engineering, engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering disciplines and building 14 disciplines.

  In April 1962, the department of science and technology set up the macromolecule engineering division and applied the electrification discipline and the production machinery engineering division.

  In April 1964, the department of science and technology set up the soil woodworking discipline.

  Institute of science and technology of the college of science and technology, majored in engineering, electronics, engineering and management.

  In June 1967, the department of science and technology was opened to the department of science and engineering.

  Science has successively set up the physical, material, chemical engineering program 4 disciplines, mechanics department three disciplines, electrical electronics 2 subjects, and soil carpenter discipline, social work discipline, information science, planet earth science, after our company set up information engineering disciplines.

  In June 1990, the department of life science and technology was set up, and the department of life sciences, biology, biology, engineering, and biology were transferred

  In April 1994, the institute set up the research division of information science.

  In April 1996, the university established the social science research division.

  In April 2004, the national university of Tokyo was established as a legal person of the university of Tokyo.

  In April 2005, the college set up innovation management research division.

  In April 2016, education reform was implemented to unify the school and college, and reorganize the college






















  What kind of future will we create? What is the societal impact of the path we choose? Following the extensive reforms that took effect in April 2016, members of the Tokyo Tech community held workshops to reflect on these questions and formulate the "Tokyo Tech 2030" statement. Assured by our unfading commitment to teaching, learning, and research, Tokyo Tech confidently moves towards future challenges with strong intentions.Four workshops were held between fall 2016 and early spring 2017 to brainstorm Tokyo Tech’s unique strengths and societal impact. A total of 123 participants of all ages, including students, faculty, staff, and executive management, held small group discussions facilitated by Institute for Liberal Arts Professor Tamio Nakano. The creative dialogue resulted in a shared vision of the present and future of Tokyo Tech, which was condensed into the "Tokyo Tech 2030" statement — consisting of spirit and action — while taking into account external perspectives.


  Tokyo Tech knowledge is born from our creative vanguard and individual diversity. High aspirations and integrity are at the core of our vision. We value divergence in the pursuit of discovery and research excellence in fundamental and applied fields. The student-centered Tokyo Tech model prioritizes proactive learning and aims to develop professionals active on the world stage.Transcending conventional borders, Tokyo Tech’s teaching and research in new and interdisciplinary fields never cease to progress. We acknowledge and engage the expertise of each individual, and when united form a fountain of perpetual knowledge. Tokyo Tech’s open environment, together with increased international and public engagement, will bring about a new learning and research hub ahead of its time.To benefit people’s lives through novel ideas, Tokyo Tech must transfer the various forms of knowledge it creates. Increased joint research with businesses, science and technology consulting, entrepreneurship training, and startup support and development will preserve and promote the "creation of new industry," the unfading commitment of the Institute.


  我们将创造什么样的未来?我们选择的道路的社会影响是什么?在2016年4月生效的大规模改革之后,东京工业社区的成员举办了研讨会,以反映这些问题,并制定了“东京工业2030”的声明。在我们对教学、学习和研究的坚定承诺的保证下,东京工业集团自信地走向未来的挑战。在2016年秋季至2017年春季之间,我们一共举办了四次研讨会,以对东京工业的独特优势和社会影响进行头脑风暴。涵盖所有年龄的123名参与者,包括学生、教师、员工和执行管理人员,举行了由自由艺术教授Tamio Nakano主持的小组讨论。这种创造性的对话产生了对东京工业的当前和未来的共同愿景,并将其浓缩为“东京工业2030”的声明——以全面的视角来探索精神和行动。



  Tweaking thermoelectric voltage across atomic-scale gold junction by mechanical forceScientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) achieved precise and fully reversible switching of the polarity of voltage produced by the thermoelectric effect across a gold junction with an atomic-scale contact. The control of thermoelectric voltage was achieved by mechanically elongating the contact. This technology is expected to find applications in thermopower generation, measurement techniques in materials science, and solid-state electronic devices.A voltage difference is created across a junction of two wires held at different temperatures. This phenomenon, called thermoelectric effect, has been widely studied and used in various applications such as thermoelectric power generators, thermoelectric refrigerators, and temperature measurement. When the cross section of the junction contact is reduced to a few atoms, quantum-mechanical effects or, specifically, quantum interferences among electrons affect the transport of electrons across the junction. These interferences are strongly dependent on the structure, including minute defects, of the atomic-scale contact and surrounding material, which determine electrical properties such as conductance and thermoelectric voltage. So far, quantum interference effect in atomic-scale metal contacts has not found much application, because of the difficulty in precisely controlling atomic structures.



  High-speed switching for ultrafast electromechanical switches and sensors

  Scientists at Tokyo Tech, Nagoya University, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and University of New South Wales have observed high-speed switching in Pb(Zr0.4Ti0.6)O3 thin films under applied rectangular electric field pulses. Unlike the slow ferroelastic domain switching expected for ceramics, high-speed sub-microsecond ferroelastic domain switching and simultaneous lattice deformation are directly observed for the Pb(Zr0.4Ti0.6)O3 thin films. This exciting finding paves the way for high-frequency ultrafast electromechanical switches and sensors.Piezo micro electro mechanical systems (piezoMEMS) are miniaturized devices exhibiting piezoelectricity, i.e., the appearance of an electric charge under applied mechanical stress. These devices have many diverse applications in energy harvesters, micropumps, sensors, inkjet printer heads, switches, and so on. In permanently polarized (ferroelectric) materials, ferroelastic domain switching affects the piezoelectric properties significantly, and this behavior can be exploited for piezoMEMS applications.Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (PZT) thin films have excellent piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties; therefore, they are potential candidates for MEMS applications. Under an applied electric field, both lattice elongation and 90° ferroelastic domain switching are observed in tetragonal PZT thin films. In particular, non-180° ferroelastic domain switching has important implications for the future realization of high-performance piezoMEMS devices.


  东京理工大学、名古屋大学、日本同步辐射研究所(JASRI)、国家材料科学研究所(NIMS)和新南威尔士大学的科学家们已经观测到在应用矩形电场脉冲下的Pb(Zr0.0.4.Ti0.1.6)O3薄膜的高速切换。与陶瓷的慢铁弹性领域交换不同,在Pb(Zr0.0.4 Ti0.6)O3薄膜上直接观察到高速亚微秒铁弹性域切换和同步晶格变形。这一令人兴奋的发现为高频的超高频机电开关和传感器铺平了道路。压电微电子机械系统(压电)是微型化的器件,显示压电现象。在机械应力的作用下,电荷的出现。这些设备在能源收获机、微泵、传感器、喷墨打印机头、开关等方面有许多不同的应用。在永久极化(铁电)材料中,铁弹性领域开关对压电性能的影响很大,这一行为可被用于压电式的应用。Pb(z1-xtix)O3(PZT)薄膜具有优良的压电和铁电性能;因此,它们是MEMS应用程序的潜在候选对象。在一个应用电场下,在正方PZT薄膜中观察到晶格伸长和90铁弹性域切换。特别是,非180铁弹性域交换对高性能压电器件的未来实现具有重要意义。

  Biophysics explains how immune cells kill bacteria

  A new data analysis technique, moving subtrajectory analysis, designed by researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology, defines the dynamics and kinetics of key molecules in the immune response to an infection. These biophysical descriptions are expected to clarify the TCR microcluster, an essential assembly for a T cell to initiate its attack on a pathogen.To kill a pathogen invading the human body, T cells, or lymphocytes, bind to it through T cell receptors (TCR). One of the first events this binding initiates is the formation of a microcluster that includes tens or hundreds of TCR molecules. These microclusters are deemed essential to initiate and sustain the immune signal. A new analysis technique by scientists at School of Life Sciences at Tokyo Institute of Technology provides a quantitative description of the molecules that form these microclusters. The study can be read in Scientific Reports.

  Imaging technologies have visualized the generation and dynamics of microclusters, but there is no quantitative data. We developed ‘moving subtrajectory (MST) analysis' using single-molecule tracking to quantitatively study the dynamics and kinetics of CD3 and CD45 around the microcluster," explains Prof. Makio Tokunaga, whose lab designed the new method.TCR function by forming a complex (TCR/CD3) with CD3. CD45, on the other hand, is not part of the complex, but is believed to regulate the formation of the cluster.Single molecule imaging was used to trace the movement of CD3 and CD45 around the microclusters. Yuma Ito, an Assistant Professor in the lab, shows that MST analysis is superior to standard analysis methods by revealing details on the temporal and spatial variation of the movement."Standard methods analyze the mean square displacement of the whole trajectory. MST divides the trajectory into subtrajectories and calculates the mean square displacement of each subtrajectory. Using MST, we could analyze movement inside, outside and at the boundary of the TCR microclusters," he explains.



  “成像技术已经可视化了微簇的生成和动态,但没有定量数据。我们开发了“移动子轨迹(MST)分析”,利用单分子跟踪,定量研究了CD3和CD45在微簇周围的动力学和动力学,”Makio Tokunaga教授解释道,他的实验室设计了这个新方法。TCR的功能是通过CD3建立一个复杂的(TCR/CD3)。另一方面,CD45并不是复杂的一部分,但它被认为是调节集群的形成。利用单分子成像技术追踪CD3和CD45在微簇周围的运动。Yuma Ito是实验室的助理教授,他指出,MST分析比标准分析方法更优秀,揭示了运动的时间和空间变化的细节。标准方法分析了整个轨迹的均方位移。MST将轨迹划分为子轨迹,并计算每个子轨迹的平均平方位移。通过使用MST,我们可以分析在TCR微簇的内部、外部和边界的运动。”他解释道。

  Tokyo Tech and Kawasaki City, combining forces in R&D on Computational Drug Discovery for Middle Molecules at KING SKYFRONT

  On July 31, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and Kawasaki City announced that they are combining forces to conduct R&D, construct an infrastructure, and implement a business promotion program for the "Program to Industrialize an Innovative Middle Molecule Drug Discovery Flow through Fusion of Computational Drug Design and Chemical Synthesis Technology". This highly unique program incorporates computational drug design methods into the field of drug discovery for middle molecules. The program fuses computational drug design that utilizes molecular simulation and machine learning by the Super Computer TSUBAME of Tokyo Tech and unique chemical synthesis technology such as artificial peptides and artificial nucleic acids. Through industry-academia-government partnerships including corporations in Kawasaki City, the program seeks to form an innovation ecosystem that bridges basic/fundamental research and the drug discovery business, thus dramatically improving the efficiency of developing middle molecule drugs.

  In order to implement this research project, the Middle Molecule IT-based Drug Discovery Laboratory (MIDL) will be opened this fiscal year in Tonomachi KING SKYFRONT, an international strategic zone located in Kawasaki City. MIDL will possess enhanced research functions for middle molecules and will be the world's first dedicated facility in this field with state-of-the-art computational approaches. Tokyo Tech will also open a Middle Molecule IT-based Drug Discovery Laboratory (MIDL) core facility inside the university campus and establish a system in which faculty cooperate across research fields. This research program was selected for support by the FY2017 Regional Innovation and Ecosystem Formation Program of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The MEXT program seeks to utilize regional technology seeds and to create a successful model of industrialization with significant social impact based on global expansion from that region. During the 5-year period until March 2022, the research program will receive annual grants-in-aid of 155 million JPY. The grants will be used to conduct R&D, to construct an infrastructure for creating a regional industrial ecosystem, and to implement a business promotion program.


  7月31日东京理工学院(日本技术)和川崎市宣布他们是结合部队进行研发,建立一个基础设施,并实现业务推广计划”项目工业化创新型中间分子药物发现流过的融合计算药物设计和化学合成技术”。这个高度独特的程序将计算药物设计方法融入到中分子药物发现的领域中。该程序融合了利用分子模拟和机器学习的计算药物设计,利用了东京工业的超级计算机TSUBAME和人工多肽和人工核酸等独特的化学合成技术。通过与川崎市的企业合作,建立了一个创新的生态系统,建立了基础研究和药物发现业务的桥梁,从而极大地提高了开发中分子药物的效率。为了实施这个研究项目,中分子药物研发实验室(MIDL)将于本财年在位于川崎市的国际战略区域“通omachi KING SKYFRONT”开幕。MIDL将为中分子提供增强的研究功能,并将成为世界上第一个在这一领域拥有先进计算方法的专用设备。东京工业公司还将在大学校园内开设一个中间分子药物研发实验室(MIDL)的核心设施,并建立一个系统,在这个系统中,教师可以在研究领域进行合作。这个研究项目是由日本教育、文化、体育、科技(MEXT)的2017财年区域创新和生态系统形成计划所选择的。MEXT计划寻求利用区域技术种子,并建立一个成功的工业化模式,并基于该地区的全球扩张而产生重大的社会影响。在截至2022年3月的5年期间,该研究项目将获得每年1.55亿日元的资助。赠款将用于开展研发,为创建一个区域工业生态系统建立基础设施,并实施一个商业促进计划。

  One-Nanometer Trimetallic Alloy Particles Created

  A researcher group of Tokyo Institute of Technology succeeded in developing precisely controlled alloy nanoparticles "multimetallic nanoclusters (MNCs)" made of three metals: copper, platinum, and gold. They also discovered that MNCs show catalytic activity that is 24 times greater than commercially available carbon-supported platinum catalysts in the oxidization of hydrocarbons using oxygen in the air.The research group led by Kimihisa Yamamoto of Tokyo institute of Technology developed a method of synthesizing microscopic alloy nanoparticles using branched molecules "dendrimers" they themselves had developed in Yamamoto Atom Further, they evaluated the activity of this alloy nanoparticle as an oxidization catalyst for hydrocarbons under ordinary pressures when using oxygen in the air as the oxidizing agent, and found that its activity was 24 times greater than that of commercially available catalysts for oxidization of organic compounds. They also found that, by adding a catalytic amount of organic hydroperoxide, this catalyst promotes the oxidization of hydrocarbon into aldehydes and ketones under ordinary temperatures and pressures. Further, by comparing the changes in activity due to alloy catalysts of different metallic compositions and examining the composition and other characteristics of the intermediates, ketones and organic hydroperoxides, the group was able to observe the process of reaction promotion due to the alloying of the catalyst.




  Ookayama CampusIs a 1-minute walk from Ookayama Station

  Suzukakedai CampusIs a 5-minute walk from Suzukakedai Station

  Tamachi CampusIs a 2-minute walk from Tamachi Station

  大冈山校区:东京都目黒区大冈山2-12-1, 邮编:152-8550(大冈山站徒步1分钟)

  铃悬台校区:神奈川县横浜市绿区长津田町 4259,邮编:226-8503 (铃悬台徒步5分钟)



  Main Building

  The Main Building maintains its value as an example of modern architecture from the early Showa period. It has witnessed much of the history of Tokyo Tech and has become a symbol of Ookayama Campus. (Not open to the public)

  Institute Library:The Ookayama library is a must-see sight for its architectural beauty and value. The Library makes its collection available to outside researchers under certain conditions.

  Wood Decking in front of the Main Building:This wood decking is lined with cherry trees, where you can sit and enjoy the changing seasons, including magnificent cherry blossom in spring.

  Mount Fuji Viewing Slope:The overpass in front of the Healthcare Center was designated as one of 100 spots in Kanto prefecture where you can appreciate beautiful views of Mount Fuji. This is reflected in its name, Toukyou fujimi zaka (Tokyo Fuji-viewing slopeouter ).

  Museum and Centennial Hall building:The science, typical research in the field of technology, and commemorative educational items related to the history of Tokyo Institute of Technology are displayed in this building.

  Environmental Energy Innovation Building:The Environmental Energy Innovation (EEI) Building incorporates the latest energy technology making the building like no other in the world. Designed to confront global warming, the EEI Building is nearly self-sufficient at producing the electricity it consumes and has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by more than 60%.

  Registered Tangible Cultural Properties:In July 2013, three buildings on the Tokyo Tech Ookayama Campus were granted the status of Registered Tangible Cultural Properties by Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs.

  Collaboration Center for Design and Manufacturingouter:The Collaboration Center for Design and Manufacturing is where student clubs make and exhibit homemade speakers, race-winning human-powered aircraft and other creations, including those made in creativity education classes

  Open weekdays, 10:00-16:00











  Exhibition SpaceouterResult:s of new research conducted at Tokyo Institute of Technology across the varied fields of earth sciences, biotechnology, material science, information science and mechanical engineering are displayed here.Coelacanth,An exhibition of the Coelacanth, known as a "living fossil", also sits in the Frontier Research Center. You are able to view resin-coated samples, replicas, eggs and other items not normally found in exhibitions of this type.Open weekdays, 12:00-17:00

  Peripatos Open Gallery:The Peripatos Open Gallery has two exhibition areas: an indoor display area for paintings and an outdoor area for sculptures. The latter area with its three-dimensional works of art was intentionally designed to catch the attention of students, staff and visitors as they stroll through the Suzukakedai Campus grounds encouraging both relaxation and inducing them to return to see future exhibitions.

  J2 Building:This building has a high resistance to earthquake activity. Inside the building you can see a wide range of technologies and mechanisms to strengthen high-rise buildings against earthquakes.


  Peripatos Open画廊:帕皮诺画廊的开放画廊有两个展区:一个是室内的绘画区域,一个是雕塑的室外区域。为了吸引学生、工作人员和游客的注意力,他们在苏木城的校园里散步,鼓励学生们放松,并引导他们回去看未来的展览,这是为了吸引学生、工作人员和游客的注意。



  Tokyo Tech's Tamachi Campus is located in Minato City in the center of Tokyo, in the immediate vicinity of Tamachi Station. It is home to the Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology, the Graduate School of Innovation Management, the Career Advancement Professional School, and the Tokyo Tech Campus Innovation Center, which is also home to satellite offices of other national universities.




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  岩田聪: 任天堂原社长


  山下彻:NTT DATA社长







































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美国高中留学利与弊 留美高中毕业
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00
  想去美国埃默里大学留学的小伙伴们,你们了解过美国埃默里大学吗?和出国留学网一起来看看吧,下面是小编为您整理的美国埃默里大学全面解析的相关资讯,希望对您有帮助。  美国埃默里大学Emory University 埃默里大学(爱默里大学)建于1836年,近一个世纪以来素享有“ 南哈佛 ” 的美誉。坐落于世界名城亚特兰大,依靠国际商业大财团可口可乐董事会的巨额资本,埃默里大学奠定了其世界性学术殿堂的地位,历史上也曾是全美十大老牌名校。  美国埃默里大学学校排名  身为九大新常春藤盟校的埃默里同样是2007年Kaplan/Newsweek《How to Get into College Guide
2017-08-10 16:50:00
乔治城大学创建于1789年,是美国最古老的耶稣会天主教大学之一。校园位于 美国首都华盛顿地区的市中心,坐落在风景美丽如画的乔治城以及波多马克河边,在白宫西北面两英里左右,是美国首都华盛顿特区声誉最高的综合性私立大学。立思辰留学介绍:在享受景致及探索华盛顿首府生活的同时,学生可以获得许多特别的机会及有价值的经验,而且乔治敦大学与联邦政府的 办公厅仅咫尺之隔,许多外国使节的子女都在这儿念书,赋予了该大学很浓的国际色彩,该大学也因此而获得了“政客乐园”的称 誉。据出国留学网小编了解,乔治城大学是美国门槛最高的大学之一,录取率仅为19%,低于八所老常春藤 名校中的Corn
2017-03-08 11:56:00
攻读美国经济学博士要求 经济学博
  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  大家都知道剑桥大学是世界名校,教学水平非常高,那么,去剑桥大学都可以学哪些专业?和出国留学网小编一起来看看英国剑桥大学学院设置一览表。  剑桥大学院校设置:  剑桥大学基督学院(Christ's College,1505年建立)  剑桥大学丘吉尔学院(Churchill College,1960年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学院(Clare College,1326年建立)  剑桥大学卡莱尔学堂(Clare Hall,1965年建立)  剑桥大学圣体学院(Corpus Christi College,1352年建立)  达尔文学院(Darwin College,1964年建立)  剑桥大学唐宁
2018-05-23 15:17:00

