



2018-01-04 12:03:00






  加利福尼亚州(State of California)是美国西部太平洋沿岸的一个州,州政府位于萨克拉门托。北接俄勒冈州,东界内华达州和亚利桑那州,南邻墨西哥,西濒太平洋。面积411013km²,它的名称取自西班牙传说中一个小岛的名称。加州西北角有雷德伍德国家公园;东部内华达山脉西侧坡山麓地带有约塞米蒂国家公园、金斯峡谷国家公园;东南部的死亡谷国家公园、约书亚树国家公园。世界知名的“好莱坞”和“硅谷”均在州内。州花是金罂粟 (Golden Poppy)。州鸟是加州鹑 (California Valley Quail)。州树是加州红木 (California Redwood)。州座右铭是“我已找到它” (I have found it)。2016年6月,美国加利福尼亚州政府公布的数据显示,2015年加州经济总量已经超过法国,成为全球第六大经济体。



  •Located on the west coast of the US; borders with Oregon to the north, Nevada and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

  •State capital is Sacramento and largest city is Los Angeles.

  •Total population is around 39 million, the largest population of any single US state and approximately 12% of all US residents.

  •State motto is ‘Eureka!’ (an exclamation of discovery, as in ‘I have found it!’).

  •About 45% of California’s total surface area is covered by forests.

  •Of the thousands of companies headquartered in Silicon Valley, those in the Fortune 1000 include Apple Inc., Adobe, eBay, Google, Facebook, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Netflix and Yahoo!.

  •California ultivates at least half of the fresh fruit produced in the US.

  •It has the largest trees (giant sequoia), the tallest trees (coast or California redwood) and the oldest trees (bristlecone pine) in the world.

  •Per capita energy use is one of the lowest of any US state.

  •Fastest growing solar energy market in the US – with several solar power plants and the capacity for 1.2 gigawatts, the equivalent of two large conventional power plants.

  •Several dams across the state provide hydro-electric power.

  •Contains both the highest and lowest points in the contiguous United States.

  •Known for its car culture, California’s well-known bridge Golden Gate Bridge was once the longest suspension bridge main span in the world.

  •Famous actors and actresses born in California include Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood and Gwyneth Paltrow.

  •To conclude, choose to study in California, and you really will be spoilt for choice in all domains – from great universities, to activity-packed cities, and diverse post-graduation employment prospects.






  •在总部位于硅谷的数千家公司中,包括苹果公司(Apple Inc .)、奥多比(Adobe)、eBay、谷歌、Facebook、惠普(hewlett - packard)、英特尔(Intel)、Netflix和雅虎(Yahoo !)












  There are many reasons to study in California: world-class universities with a welcoming attitude towards international students, a sun-kissed climate, world-famous beaches, exciting cities, a high standard of living, an assortment of cultural riches and an undisputed position at the cutting edge of modern technology.The home of Los Angeles – the entertainment capital of the world and the US’s second-largest city by population – California is known as the ‘golden state’ due to its history in gold mining and its characteristic golden-brown hills in the summer. Nowadays, this golden nickname also seems an apt reference to the state’s renowned glamour; from 2003 to 2011 it was even run by a movie star – Arnold Schwarzenegger (‘the Governator’), famous for his roles in action films such as The Terminator and Predator.

  California is also famed for its prestigious universities, which include the world-famous Stanford University, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), the University of California, Berkeley, and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), amongst many more.If you have your sights set on studying in the golden state, scroll down for more information about top universities in California, student life, and some of our favorite facts about California.






  As you might expect, given the state’s impressive track record in innovation, universities in California include many of the most prestigious institutions in the US. In the QS World University Rankings 2016-2017, California’s Stanford University is ranked second in both the world and the US, while the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is ranked 5th in the world. Stanford is located in the northwest of the Silicon Valley region, while Caltech is in Pasadena, close to Los Angeles. Both are the top private research universities in California – but another two of the top universities in California are part of the state’s public university system. The public University of California system has 10 campuses, and its two main universities, the University of California, Berkeley (known as UCS, UC Berkeley or just Berkeley, and widely known as ‘Cal’) and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) rank at 28th and 31st in the world respectively.

  正如你所预料的,鉴于该州在创新方面的优异成绩,加州的大学包括了许多美国最著名的大学。在2016 - 2017年QS世界大学排行榜中加州的斯坦福大学在世界排名第二,而加州理工学院的世界排名是第5。斯坦福位于硅谷西北部,加州理工学院位于帕萨迪纳市,靠近洛杉矶。这两所大学都是加利福尼亚州的顶尖私立研究型大学,而加州的另外两所顶尖大学都是公立大学系统的一部分。加州大学系统有10个校区,两所主要的大学,加州大学伯克利分校或just Berkeley,被广泛称为“Cal”)和加州大学洛杉矶分校分别在世界排名第28位和第31位。


  Other top universities in California include

  University of California, San Diego (ranked 40th)

  University of California, Davis (joint 85th)

  University of California, Santa Barbara (118th)

  University of Southern California (136th)

  University of California, Irvine (156th)

  University of California, Riverside (271st)

  University of California, Santa Cruz (296th)

  San Diego State University (701+)

  University of San Diego (701+)

  University of San Francisco (701+)

  University of the Pacific (701+)














  As well as the film industry centered around Hollywood, California is also a major power when it comes to music, having produced artists including *deep breath*: The Beach Boys, The Byrds, Guns and Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 2Pac, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg, Carlos Santana, Frank Zappa, Mötley Crüe, Thirty Seconds to Mars and Iron Butterfly, along with a number of established orchestras.Alongside its central position in contemporary pop culture, California is also a significant contributor in the agricultural, aerospace, biotechnology and manufacturing sectors, and is famously home to ‘Silicon Valley’ – one of the world’s leading centers of high-tech innovation.

  The state’s diverse spread of talents is matched by the diversity of its cultural and ethnic composition. According to the most recent US Census data (2010), approximately 38% of California residents class themselves as Hispanic or Latino and 13% as Asian. Just over 6% are black, and almost 5% have two or more races. California is considered one of the most liberal US states, with a tolerant attitude towards LGBT policies, and was one of the first states to legalize same-sex marriage.In addition to vibrant metropolises like Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco (all three of which rank among the world’s top 75 cities for students), California also has some of the US’s most stunning and diverse natural scenery, ranging from blissful beaches to snow-capped mountains. It’s no wonder, then, that California also has a reputation for its environmentalism and conservation efforts, and some of the strongest environmental laws in the US.

  美国的电影工业集中在好莱坞,加州当谈到音乐也是一个人们会提到的大国,加州的艺术家包括深吸一口气、沙滩男孩、如枪和玫瑰、红辣椒乐队、2 pac,Dr Dre、史奴比狗狗、卡洛斯桑塔纳、弗兰克扎帕、克鲁小丑乐队、三十秒到火星和铁蝴蝶、连同许多管弦乐队。除了在当代流行文化中的核心地位,加州还在农业、航空航天、生物技术和制造业等领域做出了重要贡献,并以“硅谷”闻名于世——硅谷是世界领先的高科技创新中心之一。








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