



2017-09-25 17:57:00





  Founded over one hundred and sixty years ago, University College Dublin is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities; an environment where undergraduate education, masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity.

  The international standing of UCD has grown in recent years; it is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. UCD is also Ireland's most globally engaged university with over 30,000 students drawn from over 120 countries, and includes 5,500 students based at locations outside of Ireland. The University's main Dublin campus occupies an extensive parkland estate of more than 130 hectares and offers world-leading facilities including the UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, UCD Sutherland School of Law, UCD Lochlan Quinn School of Business and UCD Student Centre.

  As Ireland's largest university, with its great strength and diversity of disciplines, UCD embraces its role to contribute to the flourishing of Ireland, Europe and the wider world; through the study and discussion of people, society, business, economy, culture, languages and the creative arts, as well as through research and innovation. The University's Strategy 2015-2020 outlines the objectives and major strategic initiatives set in place in order to accomplish UCD's mission and vision for this era.


  近年来,都柏林大学的国际地位已得到提升,目前位于世界前1%顶尖大学之列。都柏林大学还是爱尔兰一所最重视全球参与的大学,其3万多名学生来自120个多个国家。其中,在爱尔兰以外校区学习的学生有5千5百名。都柏林大学主校区都柏林校区拥有130多公顷的广泛的公园地产,有世界顶尖的设施,比如都柏林O'Brien 科学中心、都柏林大学萨瑟兰法学院、都柏林大学lachlan Quinn商学院和都柏林大学学生中心。



  UCD is Ireland's University of first choice, leading in first-preference applications in Ireland year after year; as well as being the university of first choice for international students coming to Ireland. The University attracts top students: some 1,525 of the 1st year entrants in 2014 achieved 500 Leaving Certificate points – just 10% of all Leaving Cert students attain these results. The first year retention rate is 98% and over half of UCD undergraduates progress to graduate studies.

  UCD is globally recognised for its excellence in teaching and learning – 11 subjects are ranked in the top 100 in the world out of 42 subjects (QS World University Ranking by Subject 2016) and the University is first in Ireland in 12 subjects. This quality of teaching is complemented by a high standard of support. Every incoming first year is assigned a peer mentor and there are student advisers for every programme.

  The UCD Horizons scheme of modern, modularised education based on learning outcomes, sees 50% of students take modules outside their subject areas. UCD is the only Irish university to provide the EU Supplement Label to students for international recognition of qualifications and is also number one in Ireland in QS Employer Reputation Survey – 129th in the world.

  The role of UCD within Irish higher education is underscored by the fact that UCD alone accounts for over 30% of international students, over 25% of all graduate students and almost 28% of all doctoral enrolments across the seven Irish universities.






  University College Dublin offers Ireland’s widest range of graduate study programmes across its six colleges. There are currently over 8,000 students enrolled in graduate study at UCD. As an internationally recognised and research-driven university, UCD attracts talented students from around the world. Upon entering one of our graduate programmes students begin on a path of intense intellectual stimulation, learning new skills and dramatically expanding their knowledge of their chosen discipline. It is a tremendously rewarding experience and one which will both enrich their life and enhance their career prospects.

  Faculty staff and students (by QS)

Number of academic faculty staffNumber of studentsNumber of international students
In total1604In total19833In total3876







  University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based on successful engagement with Irish society on every level and across every sphere of activity.

  Originally known as the Catholic University of Ireland and subsequently as the Royal University, the university became UCD in 1908 and a constituent college of the National University of Ireland (NUI). In 1997, UCD became an autonomous university within the loose federal structure of the NUI and UCD students are awarded degrees of the National University of Ireland.



  The beginning

  The Catholic University opened its doors on the feast of St Malachy, 3 November 1854. On that day the names of seventeen students were entered on the register; the first name entered was that of Daniel O'Connell, grandson of the Liberator. The following Sunday, to a grand total of four officers and fifteen students, Newman gave an address entitled 'What are we here for?'

  The early students

  Of the eight original students in Newman's own home, two were Irish, two English, two Scottish and two French.





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