



2017-10-12 15:27:00





  Aalto University is a multidisciplinary community where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future.Aalto University has six schools with nearly 20 000 students and 4 000 employees, 386 of whom are Professors. There is a wide variety of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees awarded at Aalto University, and we also offer doctoral programmes in all the fields of study.Aalto University was founded in 2010 as Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics and the University of Art and Design Helsinki were merged. The main campus is located in Otaniemi in Espoo, Finland. The other campuses are in Töölö and Arabia in Helsinki.



  Aalto University was established as a priority project in the Finnish university renewal. The idea was to create a new innovative university merging science and technology, design and art, and business and economics.The idea of a merger was first presented in autumn 2005 by the then rector of the University of Art and Design, Yrjö Sotamaa, in his opening speech for the academic year. A more concrete plan for the establishment of a new university was presented in February 2007, in the memorandum of the working group led by Secretary of State Raimo Sailas. The preparations for the university began later the same spring, when Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen included the new university into the Finnish government programme.Altogether 500 members of the universities that were to form Aalto University were involved in the preparations. A total of 1 600 entries were received for the name competition organised in spring 2008. The name Aalto-yliopisto (Aalto University in English and Aalto-universitetet in Swedish) was confirmed on 9 May 2008. The name pays homage to the life and work of architect Alvar Aalto and the importance of his work both nationally and internationally.The Aalto University charter was signed in June 2008. On 19 December 2008, the University's Board selected Professor Tuula Teeri as the first President of Aalto University.On 1 January 2010, the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki merged and Aalto University started operating.History of three esteemed universities in the backgroundThe School of Arts, Design and Architecture was founded in 1871 as Craft School. It has grown into one of the most international schools in Finland. It is the largest in its field in the Nordic countries and one of the most respected in the world.The Aalto University School of Business was established in 1911. It is the first business school in the Nordic countries to have received the Triple Crown, i.e. all three labels of excellence from the world’s leading business school accreditation bodies: AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS.Helsinki University of Technology was founded in 1849. The four schools of technology at Aalto University have a leading position in Finland and are internationally renowned.

  阿尔托大学是芬兰大学重建项目的重中之重。这个想法是创造一个融合科技、设计与艺术,商业与经济的新型创新型大学。合并的想法首先在2005年秋季由艺术设计大学YrjöSotamaa的校长在学年的开幕词中提出。2007年2月,由国务卿雷马·萨拉斯(Raimo Sailas)领导的工作组备忘录中提出了建立新大学的具体计划。大学的准备工作在同年的春天开始,当时总理马蒂·瓦汉恩将新大学纳入芬兰政府计划。共有500名成立阿尔托大学的大学成员参与了筹备工作。2008年春季举办的名人堂比赛共收到1 600条参赛作品。名称为Aalto-yliopisto(英语为阿尔托大学,瑞典语为Aalto-Universitetet)于2008年5月9日得到确认。该名称致敬于生活和工作的建筑师Alvar Aalto,以及他在国内和国际上的工作的重要性。奥尔托大学章程于2008年6月签署。2008年12月19日,大学理事会选拔了Tuula Teeri教授担任阿尔托大学第一任校长。2010年1月1日,赫尔辛基理工大学赫尔辛基经济学院和赫尔辛基艺术设计大学合并,阿尔托大学开始运作。背景下三所受尊敬大学的历史艺术,设计与建筑学院作为工艺学校成立于1871年。它已经发展成为芬兰最国际化的学校之一。它是北欧国家最大的大学之一也是世界上最受尊敬的国家之一。阿尔托大学商学院成立于1911年,是北欧国家首家获得三重冠军的商学院,即世界领先的商学院认证机构:AACSB、AMBA和EQUIS等三大杰出品牌。赫尔辛基理工大学成立于1849年。阿尔托大学的四所技术学院在芬兰处于领先地位,国际知名。


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