



2017-09-22 15:58:00


  Personal Statement,简称PS,无疑是申请文书中的重中之重。让自己的PS脱颖而出、有吸引力又真诚,是需要我们独具匠心策划的。接下来出国留学网为大家准备了新加坡本科留学个人陈述解析及范文。


  Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promoted to enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world. With the communication among nations increase and the technology information development, the development of finance tends to globalization. Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and economy.

  The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In the future, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles; non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, the development of information industry made finance market develop more quickly. Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and made common people more concern the development tendency of finance then before and made out the relevant reaction according to getting information from all aspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. All that influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.

  I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.

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